Sexta-feira 07/03/2025 02:44


Adams 2KSC2STD26 Concert Orchestra 2.6


Glockenspiel/Lira de 2.63.3 oitavas. F5-D8. barras em Alumínio. afinação 442hz. sem suporte. inclui estojo.

2.169,95 €
Simulação de adquisição do produto Adams 2KSC2STD26 Concert Orchestra 2.6

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  • Informação detalhada

    Adams 2.6 Octave Concert Series Glockenspiel. The Adams GCO26 Glockenspiel features a 2.6 octave range (F–D). using the same high quality 31.5mm polished satin steel bars utilized on the Artist Series glockenspiel. The extra range makes this Adams glock stand out as a practical instrument. while the Adams’ dedication to quality guarantees a lifetime of great sounding performance. The bells come in a black stained wooden rail frame. and are accompanied by a wooden. vinyl-covered. suitcase-style case with removable lid. offering quick. compact set-up and transport. The Adams GCO26 Orchestra Bells have the tone and sustain you expect from an Adams Glockenspiel in a compact format that every school. ensemble. and player needs.
